Member Center

Membership with Underground Service Alert of Southern California (USA/SC) aka DigAlert is for all persons, firms, corporations, and governmental or public entities or agencies who own or maintain underground facilities.

DigAlert provides your company with notification of any excavation planned near your underground facilities. Member Utilities are charged per new ticket according to the facility coverage they provide and the locate requests that fall within that service area.

Membership FAQs

What area does DigAlert® cover?

Nine Southern California Counties. They include: Imperial, Inyo, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Riverside and Ventura.

Who do I contact about a new membership?

Please contact Member Services by clicking

How can I receive a New Membership Pack?

If you own and/or maintain underground lines within DigAlert's service area (What area does DigAlert® cover?), you can download one directly from this page after completing a short online form.

What are the requirements for the notification area?

Please click here for a full list of notification area requirements.

We have made member notification area changes - do we need to notify you?

Yes, you do - please submit your member notification area here.

I need a list of E-mail Ticket headers and a simple explanation of what they mean.

You can download a document here

I have a Hotmail or MSN email account and have been having some problems receiving tickets.

Please click here

Do you have a list of members that I can download?

Of course. Please click here

Upload Member Notification Area

Uploading shape files (member notification areas) has changed. In order to provide better service and security, members are now required to submit their notification area uploads through our new Member Services Help Center that does require an account. You can sign up for an account or login if you already have one through this link below.